Male #3: Barkley (Brutus)

Barkley 6 months old

Barkley along with sister, Salina, is loved and owned by the Nielsen family.

 They said, "Their temperaments are wonderful, smart, funny, sweet, loving, easy going teddy bears. They are great with our seven cats. They love to play in water and play with other dogs. The smartest thing we did, was to get two. They play, and play, and play with each other and are so happy together."  

Enjoying the great outdoors!

Best friends--Barkley with sister Salina


Brutus was the eighth puppy born.  His coat is very thick, fluffy and golden in color.  He is confident, playful and loves to explore.

Six Weeks

Six Weeks

Five Weeks Old

Four Weeks Old
Twelve Days Old
Two Days Old